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Research organisations

MonitorYou is your solution for streamlined biomarker monitoring in research studies! If you're conducting research on the impact of diet, exercise, or lifestyle programs on human health and facing challenges with participant enrolment and compliance, we've got you covered. At MonitorYou, we recognise the significance of reliable data and the hurdles researchers encounter in maintaining participant engagement. Our specialised biomarker monitoring service is designed to cater to the specific needs of researchers in clinical cardiovascular disease (CVD) and nutrition, at universities, hospitals, and research organisations.

Why choose MonitorYou?

  • Improve Participant Enrolment and Compliance:

    Maintaining participant enrolment and compliance is critical for the success of any research study. MonitorYou offers an easy and cost-effective solution to ensure your participants stay engaged throughout the duration of your study. With our convenient biomarker monitoring service, participants can remotely monitor their CVD risk biomarkers, eliminating the need for invasive and time-consuming visits to traditional healthcare systems.

  • Informative and Frequent Monitoring:

    Access to frequent and informative biomarker monitoring is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable data in research studies. MonitorYou's advanced technology allows participants to track their CVD risk biomarkers regularly, providing you with real-time insights into their health status. Our platform delivers a comprehensive analysis, enabling you to make data-driven decisions and gain valuable insights into the effects of diet, exercise, and lifestyle programs on human health.

  • Hassle-Free Remote Testing:

    Traditional healthcare systems can be cumbersome and costly, posing significant challenges for research studies. MonitorYou offers a seamless remote testing process that ensures participants can monitor their CVD risk biomarkers conveniently from their own homes. This remote approach increases participant compliance, reduces dropout rates, and enhances the overall efficiency of your research.

  • Tailored for Research Institutions:

    MonitorYou is specifically designed to meet the needs of research institutions. We understand the unique requirements of researchers and have crafted our service to align with your goals. MonitorYou empowers you with the tools you need to achieve success in your research studies.

  • Unlock the Power of Biomarker Monitoring in Research:

    Choose MonitorYou and experience a revolutionary way to conduct research studies on human health. Maximise participant enrolment and compliance with our easy and cost-effective biomarker monitoring service. With informative and frequent monitoring, hassle-free remote testing, and tailored solutions for research institutions, MonitorYou is your ultimate partner in precision health research.

Explore the possibilities

Contact us now to learn more about our specialised services and discuss how MonitorYou can enhance the effectiveness of your research study. Together, let's pave the way for ground-breaking discoveries in CVD and nutrition research!