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How Boosting Employee Wellbeing Can Improve Workplace Efficiency

wrokplace-wellbeing-improves-productivityIn today's business landscape, leading organisations recognise that their most valuable assets are their employees. A motivated, engaged, and healthy workforce is the foundation of a thriving business and a crucial component in becoming what’s known as an employer of choice employer of choice.

Stress, Mental, and Emotional Wellbeing Significantly Impact Workplace Productivity

Getting things done at work isn't just about having the right tools and skills. It also depends on how stressed we feel. Why? Because our brains, amazing as they are, work best when we're calm and collected. When we're stressed, remembering things, focusing, and making good decisions get tough. This affects how efficiently we do our jobs. Our emotions play a role too. Feeling happy and motivated can boost our creativity and help us solve problems. But when we're anxious or angry, it can be harder to think clearly and get things done. A stressful workplace culture can therefore also result in increased employee turnover.

Poor Mental Health: While a little bit of stress can actually sharpen our focus and improve performance in the short term, chronic workplace stress is a different beast altogether. It's like running that race day after day, without rest or proper gear, eventually leading to exhaustion and burnout. This type of prolonged stress happens when the demands of a job exceed the resources and capabilities available to the worker1. Potentially leading to feelings of hopelessness and even depression. The consequences of chronic workplace stress are far-reaching and can affect everyone4:

    • Decreased motivation: When employees feel overwhelmed and helpless, they're less likely to be engaged or productive.
    • Counterproductive Behaviour: Frustration and negativity can lead to conflict, absenteeism, and even accidents2.
    • Personal health problems: Stress can manifest in physical symptoms like headaches, muscle tension, and even heart disease.

Remember, workplace stress isn't just an individual problem, it's an organisational one too. By creating a supportive and healthy work environment, employers can help prevent burnout and ensure the wellbeing of their employees, which ultimately benefits everyone.

Emotional Wellbeing: When employees experience uncertainty about their roles, it can lead to increased anxiety, which, in turn, has a negative impact on productivity. In contrast, workplaces that cultivate clarity and provide support witness a significant boost in efficiency, with employees becoming 53% more productive3. Additionally, employee motivation and overall work performance see a remarkable 25% increase3. Recognising the influence of these psychological factors on your workforce is essential for mitigating their adverse effects on your company's financial performance1.

depressed-overworked-employee-reduced-productivityDiminishing Workplace Culture: Recognising the Signs

Decreased productivity can manifest through a myriad of symptoms, here are few to look out for:

  • A steady diminishing quality of work
  • An increase in absenteeism
  • Degrading interpersonal interactions 
  • Feeling career stagnation or dissatisfaction
  • Prolonged task completion
  • Dissension within teams 

These symptoms, often insidious, can be easily overlooked, yet they are the precursors of deeper concerns. Both employers and employees must be vigilant and responsive to these early indicators; and must be ready to address them.

happy-employee-are-productiveStrategies for Employers: Fostering a Healthy Work Environment

Employers wield substantial influence in shaping the culture landscape of their workplaces. Proactive strategies to improve work culture and productivity include:

  • Implement a metric-based wellness program to understand impact and return on investment (ROI)
  • Provide access to counselling services (eg. Employee Assistance Program)
  • Foster open communication by prompting managers to hold regular meetings with individuals to identify and address challenges collaboratively.
  • Support a diverse and inclusive workplace
  • Foster a culture of care
  • Lead by example – leaders who prioritise employee health nurture a more productive workforce and cultivate loyalty and a positive organisational reputation.
  • Improve employee physical health – this ultimately leads to improvements in mental wellbeing and productivity
  • Provide continuous wellness programs to motivate lasting health benefits

a-successful-healthy-heart-wellness-programEmpowering Employee: Health and Productivity

MonitorYou® offers education and personalised health reports that provide employees with tangible data on how diet and lifestyle may be impacting their health. The program's core philosophy is to shift the focus from treating illnesses to empowering employees to manage their health proactively. Offering a wellness program like MonitorYou sends a powerful message: that you value the health and happiness of your team members. This commitment can help increase the organisations productivity and promote a refresh in workplace culture, ultimately benefiting the organisation's bottom line.




  1. https://www.corporatewellnessmagazine.com/article/workplace-stress-silent-killer-employee-health-productivity  
  2. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/basics/productivity/mental-health-and-productivity  
  3. https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbescoachescouncil/2023/08/22/the-undeniable-link-between-well-being-and-productivity/?sh=fb8d46f74280  
  4. https://www.betterup.com/blog/effects-of-workplace-stress